There is no greeting this time.
I wrote this blog on July 8, 2022 at 13:13 Japan time, but this news happened about two hours ago.
Shinzo Abe, the former Prime Minister of Japan, was shot down from behind him during his speech. Japan is currently holding national elections. It is a tragedy that occurred during the cheering speech. The criminal was immediately arrested, but former Prime Minister Abe is said to be in cardiopulmonary arrest.
The shotgun used was probably one that could be loaded with two stages. Both shots were fired at former Prime Minister Abe.
Speaking of former Prime Minister Abe, many of you may have seen him appear from Mario's clay pipe at the closing ceremony of the Brazilian Olympics. That person.
The surprise of the attack on the former Prime Minister and the impact of the attempted murder using a gun in Japan are quite significant. Indeed, hunting shotguns are easier to obtain than assault rifles and pistols. Even so, I have to get a driver's license and get a mental examination. It should be clear where the criminal got the gun and what the purpose of this act was.
Postscript: July 8, 2022 15:00
It seems that the criminal's gun was made by himself. It seems that it was a two-shot self-made gun. He missed the first shot but seems to have hit the second.
Also, it seems that the criminal was a former Maritime Self-Defense Force member.
Is it a political prisoner or a personal resentment because he is giving an election speech? It seems that he committed it alone, but isn't it a systematic crime? It is necessary to investigate in detail.
Anyway, I just pray that former Prime Minister Abe will regain his life.
Postscript: July 9, 2022 10:07
July 8, 2022. Death was confirmed at the hospital to which he was transferred.
I pray for the souls of former Prime Minister Abe.
In Japan, a law-abiding country that is not a gun society, terrorists have emerged to attack politicians with guns.
What's going on in Japan?
Where is Japan heading?
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